Russian Individuals & Entities Sanctioned by the US (i)

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ABRAMOV, Valeri Vyacheslavovich


ABRAMOV, Valerii Vyacheslavovich
General Director


Tax ID No. 780201346432 (RU)
Gender Male
Birth Date: 1963-01-06


St. Petersburg, RU
133, ul. Chernyshevskogo, 160019, Vologda, Vologodskaya Obl, RU
122 Grazhdanskiy Prospect, Suite 5, Liter A, 195267, St. Petersburg, RU
Birth Place: Tula, Russia
Secondary sanctions risk: Ukraine-/Russia-Related Sanctions Regulations, 31 CFR 589.201 and/or 589.209
(Linked To: VAD, AO)
Designated under: UKRAINE-EO13685

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