Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
Autonomous Non-Profit Organization for Higher Education Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
Skolkovskiy Institut Nauki I Tekhnologii
Skolkovskiy Institut Nauki I Tekhnologii
30 Bolshoi Boulevard, Skolkovo Innovation Center, Building 1, 121205, Moscow, RU
Sanctions Start Date: 2022-08-02
Federal register notice: 88 FR 12158
License Policy: Policy of denial.
License_requirement: For all items subject to the EAR. (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR) This license requirement may be overcome by License Exception GOV under § 740.11(b)(2) and €.
Federal register notice: 88 FR 12158
License Policy: Policy of denial.
License_requirement: For all items subject to the EAR. (See §§ 734.9(g),3 746.8(a)(3), and 744.21(b) of the EAR) This license requirement may be overcome by License Exception GOV under § 740.11(b)(2) and €.