Technopark Skolkovo Limited Liability Company
LLC Science and Technology Park Skolkovo
OOO Tekhnopark Skolkovo
OOO Tekhnopark Skolkovo
42 Bolshoi Boulevard, Building 1, Floor 2, Premises 822, Skolkovo Innovation Center, 121205, Moscow, RU
42 Bolshoy Bulvar 42, Building 1, Office 502, 121205, Moscow, RU
42 Bolshoy Bulvar 42, Building 1, Office 502, 121205, Moscow, RU
Sanctions Start Date: 2022-08-08
Federal register notice: 88 FR 12158
License Policy: Policy of denial.
License_requirement: For all items subject to the EAR. (See ยง744.11 of the EAR)
Federal register notice: 88 FR 12158
License Policy: Policy of denial.
License_requirement: For all items subject to the EAR. (See ยง744.11 of the EAR)