Khudainatov Eduard Yuryevich
Not yet sanctioned
Худайнатов Эдуард Юрьевич
Birth Date: 1960-09-11
Sanctions Reason
ACF tags: Individuals involved in corruption Top bribetakers and warmongersACF remarks: Russian businessman, former CEO of PJSC Rosneft, close friend and business associate of Igor Sechin. Participated in the formation of corrupt sources of income for Vladimir Putin and his closest associates. Believed to be Putin's and Sechin's "wallet". Through a network of offshore companies designed to conceal the ultimate beneficiaries and thus circumvent the Western sanctions, Khudainatov became the straw owner of Kerimov's yacht Amadea and Putin's yacht Shecherezade worth more than $1 billion. On June 3, 2022, Khudainatov was sanctioned by the EU due to his involvement in economic sectors providing a substantial source of revenue to the Government of the Russian Federation, benefitting from the Government of the Russian Federation, and close association with other sanctioned individuals, including Putin and Sechin.