Listov Boris Pavlovich
Not yet sanctioned
Листов Борис Павлович
Birth Date: 1969-03-11
Sanctions Reason
ACF tags: Individuals involved in corruption Top Management of State Owned Companies Top bribetakers and warmongersACF remarks: Chairman of the Management Board and Member of the Supervisory Board of JSC Russian Agricultural Bank (RusAg), the fourth largest state-owned bank in Russia. Was appointed chairman due to his personal connections, including those with Putin and Patrushev. Despite issuing bad loans and showing losses almost every year, RusAg has been receiving huge capital injections and support from the Russian government; since 2010, it received more than 300 billion rubles in subsidies. RusAg fell under the US and EU sanctions in July 2022. Listov Participant and beneficiary of fraudulent schemes designed to provide corrupt sources of income for him and his family. Together with his wife Anastasia Gorshkova, Listov owns multiple multi-million luxury properties in Moscow and Monaco and potentially a yacht through an offshore registered in Malta; just one of their Monaco apartments and the yacht are worth 17 times more than Listov's annual salary.
Chairman of the Management Board and Member of the Supervisory Board of JSC Russian Agricultural Bank (RusAg), the fourth largest state-owned bank in Russia.
Financed Russia's aggressive war against Ukraine or managed finances in the interests of the Putin's regime or in order to maintain its stability by virtue of their position.