Podguzov Nikolay Radievich
Not yet sanctioned
Подгузов Николай Радиевич
Birth Date: 1974-05-29
Sanctions Reason
ACF tags: Individuals involved in corruption Top Management of State Owned Companies Top bribetakers and warmongersACF remarks: Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Development Bank; until 2020 - General Director of Russian Post, the national postal operator of Russia; former Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Was involved in and financially benefitted from corruption schemes designed to provide corrupt sources of income to politicians and government officials and their families. Owns luxury real estate worth ~1 billion rubles.
Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Development Bank; until 2020 - General Director of Russian Post, the national postal operator of Russia; former Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.